A recent study has confirmed that Lumacept can significantly improve UV disinfection effectiveness.
Rutala, W.A., Gergen, M.F., Tande, B.M., Weber, D.J. Room decontamination using an ultraviolet-C device with short ultraviolet exposure time (2014) Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 35 (8), pp. 1070-1072.
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A study was conducted at the University of North Carolina to compare the effectiveness of a UV disinfection device both with and without the presence of UV-reflective wall coatings. This study used a portable UV device with a fixed cycle time, which can be adjusted based on the size of the room and the microorganism to be targeted. In this study, samples of MRSA and C. diff. were placed in ten locations throughout the room. These locations consisted of touchable surfaces and included some surfaces that were directly illuminated by the device as well as other surfaces that were in shadowed areas. The device was operated for 5 minutes during MRSA trials and for 10 minutes during C. diff. trials.
The results demonstrate that Lumacept significantly improves UV disinfection in hospital rooms, both for MRSA and C. diff. This improvement is most apparent in those areas of a room that do not get directly illuminated by the device. Because most objects in a hospital room strongly absorb UV, there are many surfaces that do not receive a full dose of UV. Lumacept helps eliminate shadows, making the disinfection process more uniform and effective.